Concetta Gallotta

Hailing from Sicily, Concetta Gallotta grew up with the hunger to explore the world outside her
native Mediterranean Island. A conflict arose deep within her from a young age, pushing her to want t nurture her mind away from her native roots which had seemingly given her all that they could. A soul in search, Concetta has extensively explored the world and lived in many places before settling in the UK. Concetta’s love for writing has always inhabited her, it was however rekindled and took shape during a special trip to Bali that in her own words ‘enabled her connection to the spiritual.

Concetta’s love for writing has always inhabited her, it was however rekindled and took shape during a special trip to Bali that in her own words ‘enabled her connection to the divine’. A divine connection that would come to shape her distinctively insightful, romantic and motivational genre of writing.

When asked what writing means to her, Concetta shares her profound belief “Writing is digging and exploring the untold, unseen, unhealed parts of me so that they can be understood, accepted, transmuted and be of service to others”. Watch out for Concetta’s first book: ‘A Thousand Stops Home in Autumn 2019 She lives in London, England.

Find Concetta on instagram @concettagallotaauthor